Moreover, it is not yet clear how to reproduce in vitro the natural color or the tenderization of meat due to the natural maturation process (Hocquette 2016). We recommend the reader to go directly to these sources for a more precise and detailed presentation. Acemoglu D, Aghion P, Bursztyn L, Hmous D (2012) The environment and directed technical change. There is no cultivated meat yet in stores, and companies developing cultivated meat products have repeatedly revised timelines for delivering final products. In: mimeo, Catts O, Zurr I (2007) Semi-living art. In: Mimeo, Graa J, Calheiros MM, Oliveira A (2015) Attached to meat? To make lab-grown meat, scientists take stem cells, the so-called building block cells, from an animal. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'bettermeetsreality_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_13',124,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bettermeetsreality_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); May Help Free Up Space & Resources For Other Uses. A particular reason to do so is because market size effects, and the initial productivity advantage of dirty inputs, would mechanically direct innovation and production to that sector, further contributing to environmental degradation. (2020). *Note these are general pros and cons of lab grown meat. *Note these are just general pros and cons of lab grown meat. As a novel product, cultured meat requires a regulatory framework. Third, the cells are then transferred to a scaffold to grow these into muscle fibres and larger tissue. Thus, a vicious circle is generated: innovative academic research on animal farming is required to fix problems that were induced by previous industrial trends and supportive research, and so on, while the need would also be to change the system more globally and radically. But as technology advances, the cost of cultured meat should go down. The cultivated meat industry aims to mimic the taste and texture of conventional meat while equaling or surpassing its nutritional profile. Moreover, it is not clear which cell types or growth medium future producers will use. For a minced product, the scaling is also different than for a full-thickness meat product, especially for the final stage of the organoid or tissue production (Post et al. Environ Resour Econ 4:126, Foley JA et al (2011) Solutions for a cultivated planet. [17], Cultivated meat also faces regulatory hurdles, and companies may need to adhere to different regulatory requirements in different international markets depending on a given countrys food safety laws. Moreover, Lynch and Pierrehumbert assume no decrease in the emissions associated with energy production. Second, these cells are further grown in a bioreactor to increase their number. The amounts invested have increased drastically over the last years, but remain modest compared to investments in plant-based food companies (Cameron and ONeill 2019). it cant be grown or produced affordably with any type of scale required for mass consumption. [10] Tanja Hernndez Rodriguez, Ralf Prtner, and Bjrn Frahm, Seed Train Optimization for Suspension Cell Culture, BMC Proceedings 7 (December 2013), That is, the term meat may provide a feeling of familiarity and continuity to the consumer for a noveland in realityvery different product, such as cultured meat. 6 and moral issues in Sect. Moreover, the energy inputs from cultured meat are typically more flexible and substitutable than those of conventional meat. Cultured meat is a very risky and long-term venture, which requires a great deal of funding capacity. J Agric Environ Ethics 21:579596, Howard PH (2017) Corporate concentration in global meat processing: the role of government subsidies. Scientists made the first cultured meat hamburger in 2012. That is, some animals may likely always be needed in order to provide the cells to produce cultured meat. Depending on the type of meat being made, the entire procedure of creating an edible, packaged product takes from two to eight weeks. As explained by Hamdan et al. In an attempt to better align cultivated meat production with the goal of enhancing animal welfare, the Good Food Institute promotes research and development of plant-based and fungal-based polymers and animal-free nutrient media for cell cultivation.[16]. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Cultivated meat comes from the cells of animals, and several steps in the process required to create cultivated meat are also not currently animal-free. Cultivation of meat cells can enable production of meat without needing to raise farmed animals, which require smaller quantities of agricultural resources like land. Experts predict that producing meat in a lab using tissue . As a result, specific innovation policies need to be in placeat least for a temporary periodbecause once green technologies are sufficiently advanced, research would be directed towards these technologies without further government intervention. First, stem cells are taken from muscle tissue or embryos and are expanded and then differentiated into muscle cells. It also discusses some early results on the environmental impacts of cultured meat, emphasizing the promises (e.g., regarding the reduction in land use) but also the uncertainties. She indicates that the growth mediumwhich is the most significant cost drivercan be produced completely free of animal derived components and at scales and price points several orders of magnitude lower than current costs, without relying on fundamentally new technologies. Although the impact of producing animal products may highly vary, depending on the method of production, they strikingly demonstrate that the impacts of the lowest-impact animal products typically exceed those of vegetable substitutes (Poore and Nemecek 2018, p. 987). This discussion about the environmental impacts of cultured meat emphasizes that (environmental) economists can efficiently contribute to the research on the topic. Since cultured meat can be produced indoors during unfavorable external conditions, such as natural disasters, it may lower global food insecurity. Meat consumption usually increases with income (Godfray et al. If we take fat for example, lab grown meat could be produced to contain more omega-3 fatty acids and less harmful fats. Poore and Nemecek (2018) provide perhaps the most comprehensive study to date on the environmental impacts of dietary choices. This could impact how quickly quality and safety among all products are standardised, Plant Based Artificial Meat Faces Some Current Challenges. Once cell lines have been established or selected, the cells undergo two processes: proliferation and differentiation. In addition, we highlight here the potential of mulching and microbial biofertilizers (Schtz et al. Cultivated meat could emit fewer greenhouse gases than conventional meat. 1 (Tuomisto 2018). Because more is in the producers control, lab grown meat may be of a particular standard/quality more consistently compared to farm grown meat which can vary in quality. Given the widening disparities in food equity and access, the impacts of climate change, and the animal cruelty inherent in intensive farming practices, it is evident that the prevailing conventional approaches to food production require replacement. However, there is work being done to try change this. There can be some benefits but also drawbacks to cultured meat. Finally, a third strategy is the development of meat analogues and innovations. These impacts are not clear either. Depending on what kind of meat they're cultivating, this process should take 2 to 8 weeks. (2018), INRA (2017), IPBES (2019), IPCC (2019), Searchinger et al. Policy makers may in turn feel pressure from society to regulate and reduce public support to meat production and consumption, and to stimulate the emergence of solutions. To cultivate dignity, justice, and sustainability in the food system, Stray Dog Institute provides nonprofit allies with funding, strategic research, and opportunities for collaboration. For instance, Gaston et al. In the guide below, we list some of the potential pros and cons (benefits & drawbacks) of lab grown meat. Livestock can make use of land that we might not be able to use for crops or other food production, and we are able to get more than just meat from livestock. These figures appear to be increasing, especially in the young segment of the population (The Economist 2018). 4. Survey participants had never been exposed to the food product, and some may never have heard about it. Using a life cycle analysis approach, they derive data from a large meta-analysis, covering 38,600 farms and hundreds of food operators. In this section, we discuss moral issues related to animal welfare. Therefore, we gather our knowledge from different sourcesmostly outside of economicsand try to present it in such a way that could be useful to economists who may be interested in further study. A second strategy is thus to address the demand side, namely, to directly target consumers. She then concludes that it is likely that cultured meat can achieve price parity with mainstream conventional meat once produced at an industrial scale. Espinosa and Treich (2020) find that survey participants believe that the life of broilers is not worth living under common (i.e., intensive) rearing conditions in France. The nutritional content of cultured meat can be regulated, which made it In: Mimeo, Wang X et al (2019) The effects of mulch and nitrogen fertilizer on the soil environment of crop plants, 1st edn. There isnt a lot of data released about how energy intensive (in terms of power and electricity used) lab grown meat it, or, the types of energy most commonly used for labs and production. As mentioned earlier, some philanthropic organizations have also funded R&D on cultured meat. Obtaining the marbling of meat may also be very challenging. In developed country, a large majority of animals are raised in intensive farming conditions, namely in cages or in confined environments without outdoor access. 2020; Carlsson et al. We first note that cultured meat is a typical case of process innovation, although it can also induce product innovation, as suggested in the previous section. Perhaps this is because the term meat tells something about what consumers can expect in terms of how the product should be cooked and served. In this economic and political context, given that many consumers do not want to change their food habits, and given that the demand for meat is expected to grow in the developing world, it appears that cultured meat provides a serious, perhaps the most serious, alternative to be able to significantly reduce the deleterious impacts of meat production and consumption. Meat is in our biology but also in our culture, and pro-meat beliefs are permanently reinforced by existing social norms, values and policy (in)actions (Nyborg et al. Two nonprofit organizations, New Harvest, and later, the Good Food Institute, have been key players in supporting the research and development (R&D) of cultured meat. It then argues that cultured meat is a moral improvement compared to conventional meat. Indeed, these carbon opportunity costs reduction (and possible other benefits such as those on biodiversity) associated with the large expected reduction in land use induced by cultured meat (see Fig. Another issue concerns wild animals. There is no doubt that this can generate an immense societal and cultural shock. Given that animal agriculture uses more than three-quarters of the worlds agricultural land (Foley et al. Although the potential benefits of cultured meat are considerable, there remain wide uncertainties. In: Encyclopedia of food and agricultural ethics, vol 307, Espinosa R, Treich N (2020) Animal welfare: Antispeciesism, veganism and a life worth living. Lynch and Pierrehumberts study further illustrates the lack of reliability of existing prospective academic literature on cultured meat. On the negative side, the technique may never be able to perfectly reproduce the exact conventional meat options that consumers want, as suggested above. The first scientific publication on cultured meat occurred in 2008, and the number of publications since 2013 has increased considerably (Chriki and Hocquette 2020). Animal food production is also an incubator for antimicrobial resistance, given that about 7080% of antibiotics worldwide are used for farm animals (Laxminarayan et al. 2020; Tschofen et al. Plant-based meat producers have struggled with scale up and price parity with meat remains out of reach, 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20., Home Information Guides Pros And Cons Of Lab Grown/Cultured Meat (Benefits & Disadvantages), Your email address will not be published. Appetite 55(1):156159, Lynch J, Pierrehumbert R (2019) Climate impacts of cultured meat and beef cattle. As we have commented in this section, this reaction may include lobbying in order to influence politicians to enact laws unfavorable to cultured meat and to limit funding for the innovation. Incremental innovators are incumbents who invest in internal innovations to improve their existing products, while radical innovators are new entrants who invest in external innovations to acquire new product lines. Nature 451:990993, Kenigsberg JA, Zivotofsky AZ (2020) A Jewish religious perspective on cellular agriculture. [9] These processes occur in bioreactors, which can be used in several possible configurations. Nat Commun 11:6276, Ruby MB (2012) Vegetarianism. The meat is grown in a bioreactor and then combined with plant based ingredients. Lancet Oncol 16(16):15991600, Broad GM (2019) Plant-based and cell-based animal product alternatives: an assessment and agenda for food tech justice. As is well known, standard meat production causes local contamination of water, soil and air. However, we must also account for another subtle effect: higher standards of regulation could imply that fewer firms access the market. Note that all names include the term meat. This is because conventional, plant-based and cultured meat will likely coexist for several decades, as some food experts predict (ATKearney 2019). This is the standard decision theory benchmark, where it is assumed, for instance, that the additional flexibility does not generate (e.g.) production to the point that a meat product like a steak can be produced, Cultured cells double in number every few days, meaning that cultured meat could also be produced far quicker than conventional meat [and some start ups] claim that [they] can produce a batch of cultured steaks within three weeks, a much shorter timeframe than the two years it takes to grow a cow (, Lab Grown Meat Might Be Modified For Beneficial Purposes. We are in a winner-takes-all situation typical in an intangible economy: value is mostly based on ideas and knowledge rather than on physical capital (Haskel and Westlake 2018). To say animal agriculture is all bad is inaccurate there can be a range of benefits. This paper focuses on providing a comprehensive perspective on the impact of cultured meat on the environment and human health. Several reports or publications have emphasized that the retail food prices of meat do not reflect true costs (TAPPC 2020; Pieper et al. Ample beneficial aspects bring cultured meat to the frontline in the food industry. Hence, cultured meat techniques are potentially some way from being able to reproduce the diversity and texture of various meat products (Ford 2013; Chriki and Hocquette 2020).
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