Writing task 2 asks you to write an essay of 250 words, so buckle up and take a look at the answers here. This had a dramatic effect on reducing the consumption of junk foods. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? There is nothing mentioned in the marking criteria about having more than one advantage or disadvantage only that it needs to be well developed, relevant and supported. This page writing task 2 sample essay collection relating to animals and wildlife. For instance, most well-known academic authors do not immediately publish their recent work online, instead, they publish books explaining their analyses and results. One reason for this is that home study tasks helps pupils understand school subjects better and allow them to attain higher grades. Here you will find IELTS Writing Task 1 Samples for a variety of common tasks that appear in the writing exam. Downloadable PDF sample answer. Discuss both points of view and give your opinion. Despite these downsides, I believe that the advantages of moving out of big cities far outweigh the disadvantages. Everything is subjective. This page writing task 2 sample essay collection relating modernization. Sample Answer #3. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". IELTS General Training. Band 7+ bar graph sample 1. Having this land is a massive benefit as it can be used for barbeque parties with friends and family. However, in an argument essay like this one, you must write about both sides of the argument before giving an opinion, which can be difficult in just 40 minutes. For example, in my family, most members had various outdoor pursuits that they did in the evenings, but now, its more common to see them sitting inside the house on their phones. Compared to playing other sports, children are more likely to be encouraged to cheat by their team members due to the desire to win at all costs. Upon using these contents and information, you will develop a strong idea on designing a good essay on this topic. Aim for under 300 words in writing task 2. Traffic and accommodation problems are increasing and the government should encourage businesses to move from cities to rural areas. Her megrims were severe, and she often had to miss work because of the terrible pain. Yes, you can certainly do this but you can also make it much simpler by writing about one advantage and one disadvantage. That is to say that there are extra costs such as accommodation that dont need to be paid by those who stay with their families. Log in, https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-agree-disagree-essay-sample-answer/, https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-writing-task-2/, Trees, Plants, Gardens and Parks Topics in IELTS Speaking, 50% Discount: Advanced IELTS Lessons & E-books, IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics Relating to Phones, Interesting Speaking Part 1 Topics for 2022. You must read the question carefully so that all parts are answered. However, the group who would like this type of news to stop understand that it takes a tremendous toll on the mental health of these celebrities. If this is implemented it would have a positive effect on peoples health and a reduction in weight gain. Nations worldwide are dealing with the increasing issue of obesity which is a cause for concern for all age groups. Upon using these contents and information, you will develop a strong idea on designing a good essay on this topic. Just click on the email link below. This means that people who live in urban areas have additional free time and get to spend it doing things they enjoy. This popular question requires you to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a statement. This page writing task 2 sample essay collection relating to community work. Happiness is difficult to define because everyone has a different concept of it. These essays are written by IELTS experts and score band 8 to 9 on the IELTS. In addition, previous attempts by countries to improve road safety with more severe punishments have failed. Furthermore, viewing shopping in this way can result in debt. In conclusion, being overweight is an increasing issue for children and adults globally because of the consumption of fast food and convenience foods. The vast majority said that freedom and creativity were paramount, while many others cited a multitude of other reasons for happiness, one of those being financial gain. IELTS Writing Task 2 is the second part of the writing test, where you are presented with a point of view, argument or problem and asked to write an essay in response. The examiner wants to see how you use language. Another reason parents should limit how much time their children can watch television in favour of reading books is that reading is fundamental to literacy development. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. This popular question requires you to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a statement. Contact Total-IELTS. IELTS Writing Task 1 marks are evaluated based on task achievement, coherence, cohesion, vocabulary, and grammar. They are very common in task 2 but candidates often get confused because they dont conform to the main question types. Most people have forgotten the meaning behind traditional or religious festivals; during festival periods, people nowadays only want to enjoy themselves. You are expected to write a descriptive report of at least 150 words on the information provided. What is your opinion? These days, a lot of people see shopping as something to do for enjoyment instead of as a necessary task for purchased items they require. Just follow the links. Those who think this can continue believe that celebrities have sought out this type of life, whereas the people who think it should be banned understand that its bad for these famous peoples mental health. That is, for example, the difference between learning about math and learning how to cook. This page writing task 2 sample essay collection relating to education. The task requires you to give your opinion in response to a statement. October 10, 2022. For instance, studies by the UK government have found that sales of these types of foods have risen considerably in the past two decades. For example, YouTube celebrities are encouraged not to read comment sections because hurtful remarks are inevitable. Some people believe that school children should not be given homework by their teachers, whereas others argue that homework plays an important role in the education of children. However, others feel that society has always been this way, but online comments seem more predominant because of their longevity compared to the spoken word. the reasons for your view, the reasons for the . Some believe team sports build children up to be ready for their careers, but others disagree. This page writing task 2 sample essay collection relating to environment. Learn how your IELTS writing task 2 is marked and the difference between band scores 5, 6, 7 and 8 with tips to improve your score. The advantages of this decision are that they can find cheaper housing and live in a quieter environment, whereas the drawbacks are the distance to a hospital and the time they lose while driving to and from work. Band 8 and 9 sample answers for all the IELTS Writing Task 2 essay types. It is a question from the real exam. The animals in these places cannot adapt to life in urban or suburban landscapes and must relocate when their homes are overrun by humans. Find the best sample answer to get band 9 in IELTS Writing Task 2. IELTS Writing Task 1 Band 7+ Essay Samples. Some people think it is not a good idea for teachers to assign home study tasks to school children, while others say it is an essential part of learning. This is why its best to wait until we need to do something before learning how to do it. This page writing task 2 sample essay collection relating to travel and tourism. Another danger of writing about 2 of each is that your word count will go well over 300 words. Because of modern technology, more people are working from home rather than commuting to their employers offices. You can get in touch through the email link below. Writing task 1. Sample IELTS Essays - Good Parents 5. In this guide you'll learn how to write high scoring essays for IELTS writing task 1 and IELTS writing task 2.No matter which test you're taking, either academic or general training, we have you covered; This guide includes IELTS writing samples, topics, and detailed lessons . For example, according to extensive research, pupils aged between 10 and 16 who are given a large amount of mathematics homework do far better in tests than those who are not given any home assignments. To overcome this, governments should set a maximum number of working hours per person, and websites with violent movies must get visitors to register and confirm their age. IELTS General Writing Task 1. IELTS Writing Task 2 requires you to write an essay in response to a statement, or premise. There will be separate answers for band 6, band 7 and band 8. In the IELTS General writing task 1, you will have to write a letter for 150 words. Housing and traffic congestion issues are on the increase in large urban areas, there is an argument that the government ought to persuade companies to relocate to the countryside. Band 7+ line graph sample 2. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Essay Answer Of Band 7. The only issue though is that it tends to end up as a very long essay at way over 300 words. You will see this technique in the model answers below. IELTS Focus 2022 All rights reserved. Click on the links below for information on different aspects of writing task 2. In conclusion, I dont believe that stricter laws will result in safer roads because dangerous drivers are already willing to ignore the more serious consequence of dying in a collision. This is especially true when these people have credit cards and choose to ignore the dangers of overspending in favour of purchasing an item that they crave. What are the reasons for this rise in obesity, How could it be tackled? Company overheads are also far more cost-effective outside of cities too. In this blog post, there are 7 model answers for IELTS writing task 2. In the first part, you are given a task based on some graphic or pictorial information. To resolve this issue, governments should enforce a maximum number of hours that people can work, and websites with mature content should require their visitors to register. Possible solutions would be a government tax on fast food and special incentives for gym membership to get people exercising. Present one view Another key advantage is that those who primarily watch TV to pass the time dont need to make plans. This page writing task 2 sample essay collection relating to advertisement and consumer. One of the causes of children and teenagers copying the behaviour of famous people is that these famous people are at the forefront of modern fashion trends. Hopefully, this article on IELTS writing task 2 topics with sample answers will help you prepare better for the upcoming IELTS exam. As a result, many youngsters become impatient and their attention span becomes much shorter. In conclusion, the main problems related to people shopping to pass the time are that they dont use their time to benefit themselves, and many fall into debt. IELTS is a registered trademark with the British Council, the University of Cambridge and IDP Education Australia. This page writing task 2 sample essay collection relating to children and young. This question type requires you to identify causes or reasons of an issue and offer solutions. They also fixed a lower price for organic vegetables to attract more consumers of fresh produce in supermarkets. What do you think are the main causes of this difference and what do you think can be. In conclusion, printed newspapers and magazines wont exist for much longer because they are bad for the environment, and they will stop being profitable for the companies that publish them. be answered in the same way. There is nothing mentioned in the marking criteria about having more than one advantage or disadvantage only that it needs to be well developed, relevant and supported. This page writing task 2 sample essay collection relating to old people. IELTS Reading score calculation is done based on the bands from 1-9 and incorporates half bands (for instance, 4.5 and 5.5). Expect abstract topics with no right or wrong answers. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. Sample Answer: To sum up, although happiness is hard to clearly define due to varying opinions, I think that through meditation, introspection and time in nature an individual can develop a greater sense of well being. You need to understand the 4 marking criteria used by the examiner to fulfil the requirements of the score you want. Another motivation to construct these new houses in urban areas is to conserve the habitats of local wildlife in rural areas. While others believe that traditional approach is still the best. Many people agree with the idea that happiness cannot be bought. IELTS Ladder. This is because an essential aspect of good mental health is processing what happens to us, particularly any negative experiences. The word count here is very high at around 345 words. In conclusion, I firmly disagree that students should be required to learn practical skills because they already spend too much time studying the existing subjects and any skills they learn will most likely have been forgotten by the time they need to use them. There are individuals who feel that living in a rural area is more beneficial, while others feel that the city is a better choice. As this trend continues, it will only be a short amount of time before the readership is too low to attract advertisers, and once this happens, it will be financially unviable to continue printing them. In addition to this, websites that provide access to movies unsuitable for children should require their visitors to create accounts that confirm their age. You might be required to answer 3 questions but this is very rare. In this section I will discuss the common question types for task 2: The requirements and structure for each task, along with sample answers. In conclusion, we should favour building additional housing in urban rather than rural areas as its better for childrens education and leaves the habitat of local wildlife intact. I believe that young people mimicking their favourite stars is a negative situation as these they often undervalue their own importance. I think home assignments are beneficial but children should not be put under this kind of pressure. Listening Reading Speaking Writing Task 1 Courses Writing Task 2 Success Stories Listening Reading Speaking Writing Task 1 Courses Writing Task 2 These are accompanied by suggested answers that will provide them with some fresh ideas that they can use when taking the test. The issue with a two problems two solutions essay is that you will run out of time as it will be a very long essay. Below you can see a model answer of a student to Task 2 of the IELTS Academic writing followed by comments to improve it. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. For instance, in Japan, the majority of youngsters are under pressure to complete vast amounts of homework along with extracurricular activities. One main cause of this issue is the overconsumption of fast food and convenience foods. First of all, increasing the severity of the rules governing road safety wont result in fewer injuries because the people driving recklessly are already ignoring the more severe consequence that it could kill them. What we need to focus on here is that we should follow the right method and strategy. People who drive dangerously are more concerned with the thrill of speeding or getting to an appointment on time than with the real dangers of driving. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Most hobbies involve membership or entrance fees that must be paid regularly, whereas watching television is comparatively cheaper and rarely requires any additional payments after the initial purchase of the TV set. It is well-known that the schools in cities are far superior to their rural counterparts and by building the extra houses in cities, more children will have access to the best possible education. In the lessons below you will learn about word count and essay length. When to give your opinion 10. Tobacco is a kind of drug. Sample IELTS Essays - Salaries of Sports Athletes 2. My position is clear throughout the essay even though I do not state I think or In my view. Also, note that Task 2 has more weightage than Task 1 in the IELTS Writing test. However, I think this is a negative circumstance as it causes these young people to undervalue their own importance. After they get a new present for Christmas they become bored with it, and within a few days they ignore it. Step 1: Answer all parts of the question IELTS Writing Task 2 requires you to write an essay in response to a statement, or premise. I have taken one advantage and one disadvantage here. Upon using these contents and information, you will develop a strong idea on designing a good essay on this topic. Another reason why I believe that they are necessary is that students need places to concentrate and focus. The problem is that many dangerous drivers arent worried about penalties because theyre confident that the police wont catch them. To benefit as much as possible from this page, do the following; Also, my IELTS Writing Task 2 lessons will help you understand what to include in your Task 2 answers. Upon using these contents and information, you will develop a strong idea on designing a good essay on this topic. Many children pass more of their time with video games than with sport because their parents are afraid to allow them out of the house by themselves. IELTS Writing Task 2. As a result of leading a hectic life with work commitments, many people are just too tired to go to the gym or join a sports club. Despite the benefits mentioned above, the solitary existence of working from home is the one disadvantage. Do not go beyond 20 minutes on it as you would need around 40 minutes to complete Writing Task 2. Authorities need to look at taxing these foods and make healthier options more available. Another less serious disadvantage is that people in the countryside lose more time commuting to and from work than those in the city. The wording of the questions can vary. NTOE: In IELTS WRITING TASK 2 QUESTION ANSWERS THE EXAMINER WILL ASSESS THE COHERENCE AND COHESION OF YOUR ANSWER. For example, compared to when I was a child, youngsters nowadays tend to have a huge collection of toys. Because populations are growing, additional housing is required in many nations. IELTS Writing Task 2: Model Answer The United Nations was established at the end of the Second World War in order to provide a peaceful way to resolve national differences. Downloadable PDF sample answer. In conclusion, I agree that childrens exposure to television should be limited to encourage them to read more as it will reduce the harmful effects that too much television can have on a childs eyes and the extra time spent reading will allow them to achieve higher levels of literacy. I believe that this circumstance is beneficial for children as no harm will come to them when they are at home. then answer the second question in main body 2: How can people achieve happiness? All over the world, many individuals use most of their spare time at home watching television programmes. IELTS recommend you spend no more than 40 mins on writing task 2. Others believe that it is getting easier. 800+ band 7 IELTS writing task 2 sample collection have been divided onto different topics, and links are provided for the shake of your ease. Even though it is true that students find it much easier to get specific academic information connected to their studies on the internet, I think that libraries are still essential in schools and universities as well as public library facilities. Terrible templates 2 7. Because they have this mentality, the punishment has no significance as they already believe that they wont face any consequences. As the amount of land available for these animals shrinks, their numbers decline because of a lack of space to flourish. In addition to this, working from home saves more money. The takeaway is that you need to improve your vocabulary for IELTS writing task 2 to achieve a band 8 score. A possible solution would be a government tax on these foods with lower costs for fresh produce. In Korea, for example, it has been discovered that many children who are unable to read at the expected level for their age spend an excessive amount of time watching television. Contents: Tips to Improve your Scores. My opinion and examples do not have to be true (actually I think academic authors first publish online rather than in books) but this doesnt matter as I have taken the main idea and developed it. Excel at writing Band 7+ essays in 7 days through an easy-to-follow technique and practical examples. I hope these will answer your questions but, if they haven't, you can contact Total-IELTS via email. Task 2 (Cambridge 12 Test 7 IELTS Writing) Cu hi : In a number of countries, some people think it is necessary to spend large sums of money on constructing new railway lines for very fast trains between cities. Students today can easily access information online, so libraries are no longer necessary. If youre looking for IELTS Writing Task 2 sample questions and answers to help improve your writing score, youve come to the right place. Terrible templates 1 6. The reasons why people commit crime are countless, but drugs and alcohol, social problems and poverty play a major role. Compared to those who spend several hours commuting to and from work each day, people working from home can use this time as they please. IELTS is a registered trademark of The University of Cambridge, The British Council, and IDP Education Australia. Some individuals believe that social media makes people more comfortable to behave inappropriately because abusive comments are so widespread on these platforms. In my view, people can become much happier with introspection and meditation. This is ok and can still get you a Band 7 as long as it is well explained, relevant and supported. A GROWING NUMBER OF PEOPLE FEEL THAT ANIMALS SHOULD NOT BE EXPLOITED BY PEOPLE. Write at least 250 words. I completely agree with this opinion because of the adverse effects watching television has on eyesight and the benefits that reading has on literacy. On the other hand, other individuals like city life best because the short journey to and from work is a significant advantage. The effects this has on society are that these people are affected by fatigue, and their childrens behaviour suffers as a direct consequence. The conclusion rephrases my views. Also, I recommend to take: Must-Know Words & Phrases for IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 course , which helped me to enhance my writings on task 1. . In conclusion, although the internet is of great benefit to students, I believe that libraries are still necessary as they grant access to specialised sources of information and their facilities provide better conditions for studying. Stick to the method 3. I also stated my views in every paragraph, my position is very clear as I agree with the side that says homework is necessary for children. Downloadable PDF sample answer. There are 5 variations to an IELTS discursive essay. My opinion is that life in the countryside is better as the private outdoor space is an enjoyable feature. Even when a thread starts off positive, it usually becomes hostile soon thereafter. For people who work late, the result can be extreme tiredness. It's a great way to help you to prepare for the test. Why is happiness difficult to define? The advantages of moving away from home to attend university do not outweigh the drawbacks because the main disadvantages are the cost of living and the lack of focus on studies, whereas the only advantage is learning to be independent. To illustrate this, the Guardian newspaper carried out a survey of employees who were transferred to new offices in small towns and rural locations. Writing Task 2 Argument Essay with Sample Answer IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 9 Sample Friendship April 21st, 2018 - Environmental pollution is a serious issue and it is important to take steps onan individual level to reduce it But now since it is becomi IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Band 9 In a problem-solution essay or an advantage disadvantage essay, the instruction words will ask something like: Notice the plural form here, advantages and disadvantages. Because they have nobody making sure they attend university every day, they are far more likely to skip lectures when theyre tired or not in the mood. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Upon using these contents and information, you will develop a strong idea on designing a good essay on this topic. What's your writing style? To illustrate this, there is some evidence to suggest that more and more students are spending a larger proportion of their time in the library researching and writing.
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